#775: Art And Projectors
Monday • November 29th 2021 • 9:16:09 pm • 4KB
When I was little I had a portrait drawn of me,and though it was very nice it didn't capture my face exactly. I am not complaining,I am just saying. This is why I emphasize the need for projectors,and there are three types of projectors. A low tech light...

#774: The Geocacher
Sunday • November 28th 2021 • 7:46:27 pm • 1KB
Tennessee Michigan Arizona Texas Virginia Alabama Germany Netherlands Prague United Kingdom London, United Kingdom Tokyo Cape Town Soviet Russia Normal Russia BEST GEOCACHING COMPILATION! Geocache Adventures 1 Geocache Adventures 2 Geocache Adventures 3...

#773: Towards Class, Dignity, Compassion, Knowledge, Wisdom, And Greatness
Sunday • November 28th 2021 • 2:19:24 pm • 5KB
Wisdom is still our best invention,and it is the only road to problem prevention. We have people who refuse to wear a maskand get angry at those who fulfill that task. Others say un-vaccinated shouldn't get a place at a hospital,but both are losing their...

#772: Education: Your Own Creation
Saturday • November 27th 2021 • 8:17:28 pm • 3KB
Grow, but don't let the world push you,as happiness is meant for you too. Don't worry about grades,the dog and pony show eventually fades. And you wont find much of real knowledge,in college. Just focus on taking classes you like,maybe hope to fix...

#771: Always Learning
Friday • November 26th 2021 • 7:27:42 pm • 3KB1
Learning is an art,so as long as we learn bit by bit we will become smart. In schools teachers threaten to memorize,but you should always aim to become wise. You need to understand,because you get nothing if you just perform and pretend. You don't have...

#770: On Growing Up, Originality, And Authenticity
Thursday • November 25th 2021 • 9:48:02 pm • 4KB
Be careful as broken people may try to trick you,into becoming other than you really are. The longer they have you in their grasp,the harder it will be to divide who you are and who they want you to be. Our minds are really powerful,and always work to...

#769: For The Turkeys
Wednesday • November 24th 2021 • 8:02:03 pm • 2KB1
Until I came to America I thought Turkey was a nation,then my aunt welcomed us with one, in celebration. I remember it to this day, it had mushrooms and cranberries,and it made us feel like dignitaries. It was the only unforgettable mean I've ever had,and...

#768: On Understanding Divisions
Tuesday • November 23rd 2021 • 7:08:23 pm • 13KB
Let us examine roots and gravity of young wisdom,that which we come across, when we are still children. My first wisdom was in how I faced violence,I nobly took no part in it, I only pushed people back, I never became like they were. And right here,we...

#767: The Quiet Little Audio Book
Monday • November 22nd 2021 • 8:48:42 pm • 2KB
It brings luck, cheer, and wisdom,it is a tiny and inexpensive to mass produce audio player. It just needs a single button, skip,it constantly plays in shuffle mode. The international model is easy to power with a range of batteries,and comes with ear-buds...

#766: Your Art Book
Sunday • November 21st 2021 • 9:26:47 pm • 3KB
I have made one mistake in Art when I begun,I didn't know to start writing an art book, and get it done. This is an idea that I would like to share with you,and I hope that you will share too. So, it maybe that your biggest work of art,is a book that will...

#765: The Noodler
Sunday • November 21st 2021 • 11:05:26 am • 2KB
Catfish Noodling Catfish Noodling tips with Hannah Barron 27lb Flathead Catfish weighed on HME Scales. Building & Putting Out Catfish Boxes! Noodling Tips FAQs and a Typical Day on the Water! BITTEN - by a GIANT CATFISH! Noodling Catfish Alabama Catfish...

#764: A Century Of Changes Is A Century Of Challenges
Saturday • November 20th 2021 • 9:24:09 pm • 3KB
Three quarters to go before the new century arrives,and looks for advice in previous century's archives. That bright new generation can't connect with Socrates,time makes it so that they won't be able to understand him with ease. An examined life, and...

#763: A Road Towards Authentic Education
Friday • November 19th 2021 • 9:20:04 pm • 5KB
Subject divisions in schools are perfectly broken,they reflect nothing about education. A room labeled Calculus,that imbues students with calculus, is a stupid fantasy. It comes into being on the wings of people that either,pretend to have an education, or...

#762: On The Future Of Education
Thursday • November 18th 2021 • 8:25:00 pm • 5KB
One of the biggest mistakes schools make,is teaching things in a way that requires other things. This is similar to the madness of "Balanced Education",it sounds reasonable, but it is just another crazy thing. When children ask what math is for,that is...

#761: A Book Divided: On Truly Understanding Powerful Books
Wednesday • November 17th 2021 • 9:34:29 pm • 2KB
I've only tasted knowledge,and I've not heard of a real College. I've been to plenty of schools,and better than most I know their tools. Bullies, Grades, Punishment, Shame, Threat,and above all, Debt. While you remained seated,you have been and lied to,...

#760: The Source Of Art And A Question To Start
Tuesday • November 16th 2021 • 7:14:10 pm • 1KB
A work of art,will grant great might. By subtle analogy is a fine way to learn,and grow wise in turn. What we gain from art,adds to make us smart. Painting is not just about the masterpiece,it is also about a mind at peace. The song we compose to our own...

#759: Of Constellations, Superluminal Galaxies, And The Future Of Humanity
Monday • November 15th 2021 • 7:17:22 pm • 5KB
Perhaps our consciousness,comes from a copy of our talent for navigation. Hence the constellations,there are places that we must visit in out thoughts. One of the early ones is why are we here?,we are an emergent element of the infinitely complex universe...

#758: The Winter Adventurer
Sunday • November 14th 2021 • 6:28:46 pm • 4KB
冬景色/森 麻季 (Winter Scenery) アナと雪の女王主題歌 (Anna and the Snow Queen) Yetis Come To The Rescue | The Mummy, Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor Snowball Fight in Lyon, France 1896 20 kilograms of red hot steel vs. frozen lake Fireworks under ice! Kids on frozen lake play...

#757: A Little Observation About Music Composition
Sunday • November 14th 2021 • 3:02:45 pm • 3KB1
I have noticed that low pitched sounds are rare,and high pitched sounds more frequent. In a musical composition Bass Drums,are a lot less frequent than cymbals. I think this observation can be very valuable,to people that just started learning music. If...

#756: School Independent Tutors, Audio Books And Video Lectures: On Getting A Real Self Directed Education, Early On
Saturday • November 13th 2021 • 8:25:18 pm • 6KB
Sometime around 8th grade we should be able to program, paint, compose music, and write poetry,and you can kind of see that is what school classes hint on. I can't even imagine what a horrible mess introduction to music composition must be,the the...

#755: The Firewall: A Fine Internet Business Idea For High School Students
Friday • November 12th 2021 • 5:21:56 pm • 10KB
Christmas is coming around and internet hackers are buying expensive electronics,injecting malicious software into them, and selling them online where companies don't care to verify their authenticity Focusing on expensive electronics,is a way of filtering...

#754: Maple Tree Mischief At Nordhouse
Thursday • November 11th 2021 • 3:49:22 pm • 2KB
I always enjoyed driving to Nordhouse at night,arriving in Ludington by the morning light. I'd park at the supermarket and nap,and later plan my day with my trusty map. The lake town atmosphere is different somehow,an infinite horizon just makes me dream...

#753: Art Is Where It Is At
Wednesday • November 10th 2021 • 8:45:26 pm • 2KB
We must all take to art,do not wait too long to start. But before you get started,know that the world of art is completely uncharted. The only rules that people make,are for their own sake. People that lie about being smart,will try to push you away from...

#752: High School, College, And Real Knowledge
Tuesday • November 9th 2021 • 9:25:37 pm • 8KB
During my first and last internship,a brainless CEO walked up to me and asked. Who do you want to be?what do you want to do. While I still had difficulty speaking,I could have answered. But instead,I mumbled something about cutting paper. The woman in...