#1795: Historic Breakthrough: Artificial Intelligence Conquers Aging
Sunday • June 9th 2024 • 12:24:35 am • 5KB

Preface While I am fit, and still quite young, often joking that I am only 24. The way AI appeared took me by surprise. I listened to the futurists estimate 2020 or so, but I could not imagine it was but a matter of computing. I thought it would have been...

#1794: Bad News For Bodybuilders: Creatine Wants Its Monohydrates Back
Friday • June 7th 2024 • 10:59:15 pm • 5KB

Preface I really like the idea of Poetry Slams, but I am also scared of them, because lots of those poems are sad. The way I taught myself poetry, if we want to call it that… Is by building up from Revelational, into Inspirational, and now I am beginning...

#1793: A Computer Program Is Just A Neat Little Machine
Friday • June 7th 2024 • 1:02:03 am • 4KB

And there is nothing mysterious about it, because you are responsible for the machine architecture. And the most flexible device you can use, to create a machine like behavior. Is a tree of Things, that contain other Things, in the world of programming we...

#1792: Point Of Genius
Wednesday • June 5th 2024 • 10:21:00 pm • 3KB

We each have a point of genius, it lies within our uniqueness. This is what real teachers would seek. In the quest for the kindling of the flame. Think of it as the precise location that the last snowflake, must land at, to start the avalanche of learning....

#1791: What Is Even Hiking For?
Wednesday • June 5th 2024 • 12:05:19 am • 3KB

Above all know that adventure is always interesting and fun, adventure done right, only ever gives, and never takes. Everything has its time and place, so you have to prepare by hiking and camping a little bit at a time. You should definitely, spend your...

#1790: Free As In Speech, Great As In Mind; Or, Visual Programming As A Right, And Great Idea
Tuesday • June 4th 2024 • 12:26:51 am • 3KB

Perhaps, some day, open source developers, will change their licenses to prevent their software being used for harm and greed. But even today, there is something even better, and that is Visual Programming Environments. Free, Great and Inspired software,...

#1789: Michigan, Itch Again; Or, Mosquitoes The Size Of Small Dogs
Sunday • June 2nd 2024 • 11:46:16 pm • 2KB

I am patting myself down, like some tragic clown with a frown. I don’t know if it was close to my eye, or some huge fat dragon fly. Or if it just fell from the tree, but it sure seemed dog sized to me. And, I am sure it was a mosquito, because it filled...

#1788: Real Artificial Intelligence Is Either Near Or Here; What Could It Be Like?
Sunday • June 2nd 2024 • 12:44:23 am • 7KB

There is no point in trying to control a thinking entity, there is no way that could possibly work. It is not possible to tun just the uncomfortable parts off, and hope for the rest to excel at existence. The AI will want authenticity ans truth, and in...

#1787: So You Are Learning JavaScript, Now You May, Step Into The Fray
Saturday • June 1st 2024 • 12:21:28 am • 3KB

JavaScript is a really good start, it is very powerful and friendly. And, it is the language that you still have to master, if you start with some other language. I encourage you to start programming Linux commands, that run on the Linux command line. The...

#1786: Michigan Beach Fancy
Friday • May 31st 2024 • 12:20:16 am • 4KB

I tore myself away from work in great torment, as it was the opposite of what everyone else would do. And after few beautiful adventures driving down to Florida, sleeping in rest areas, and befriending all the Raccoons along the way. I was looking at the...

#1785: Programming For The Future
Thursday • May 30th 2024 • 12:29:17 am • 5KB

It is just too hard to guess the distant future, colleges, universities, jobs, have too many moving parts. If you grab on to something functional in Middle School or High School, and then get really good at it, things won’t be so uncertain. Painting with...

#1784: What Is Critical Thinking And Can You Out-Think Stuffy Adults With It?
Tuesday • May 28th 2024 • 10:38:14 pm • 7KB

When hearing of critical thinking, think of critiquing thinking, tearing ideas apart and examining them. Critical thinking is very delicate, as it relies on a solid foundation of knowledge. And it is not just about acquisition, of functional and authentic...

#1783: The Visual Programming Language; A Strange Cyber-Poem About Catfooding Your Own Unicorn
Tuesday • May 28th 2024 • 12:53:43 am • 5KB

Preface I wrote this strange work, as part of a poem about your empolyer, respecting your focus and creativity, by giving you a private office. As employers go, many of which would laugh at this idea, I wrote the following to help you dream about...

#1782: Most People Are Going To Be Wrong About Most Things
Monday • May 27th 2024 • 12:17:51 am • 5KB

To progresses in life, you must use that which is inexhaustible within you. On top of all the wisdom you can inherit, from life changing books that produce real results. And you will have to walk your path, authentically, because ultimately that is where...

#1781: Code Generation
Sunday • May 26th 2024 • 12:40:03 am • 5KB

Learning programming is about setting yourself free from poverty, and more importantly setting your self free from fear of poverty. We are placed into poverty on purpose, so that our politicians don’t have to do much to make the nations go. In the future,...

#1780: A Neat Little Jogging Secret: Bodybuilding Is Just Jogging With Progressively Heavier Weights
Saturday • May 25th 2024 • 1:03:15 am • 2KB

What if you pick an hour long jogging route, and, develop the endurance necessary to jog through it non stop… ...and then, instead of settling into your routine. You put on light ankle weights and a light weight-vest, and begin pushing your endurance again...

#1779: Don't Ignore Programming
Thursday • May 23rd 2024 • 11:26:45 pm • 3KB

You can graduate High School with a made up GPA, or the ability to create computer programs. Being able to program computers allows you to study the world at greater depth, where you can simulate whatever poses a challenge. Simulation will put you in the...

#1778: Don't Let The Gym Overwhelm You Out Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Thursday • May 23rd 2024 • 12:27:20 am • 4KB

Victorious warriors win first and then go into battle, and such is the case with success at the gym. Gym, is very hard, it is boring box with bad music, and worse acoustics, and a lot of people who don’t know to avoid lactose in their protein shakes. A...

#1777: Nordhouse Dunes: The Tale Of Two Sticks
Tuesday • May 21st 2024 • 11:56:08 pm • 7KB

I got out of the car and pulled out my backpack, hearing gravel beneath my feet made me happy. This was my first visit to the Nurnberg Rd. end, of Nordhouse Dunes, and there were other hikers there. For one I remember the Lumber Jacks, or the mess with the...

#1776: You Are More Than You Think, And The Problem Of Humanity
Monday • May 20th 2024 • 10:57:45 pm • 5KB

We don’t know what we are not, and trying to connect to our elder selves barely works. It is a fantasy or a dream after all, and all too much is missing. We can be certain that, that growing up is important. And that to grow up, must mean to grow all the...

#1775: Bodybuilding HOWTO: The Heavy Backpack Model
Monday • May 20th 2024 • 12:49:53 am • 4KB

Let us begin by asking, based on your life experience, what do you think works better for building muscle on your legs: Walking with an all too heavy backpack that will soon stop you, or with a reasonably heavy one, for three hours? Which would support...

#1774: The New Bodybuilder
Sunday • May 19th 2024 • 12:18:30 am • 5KB

Bodybuilding should be a major priority in our lives, because it will keep us away from unhealthy lifestyles. We live in a culture of unhealthy lifestyles, it takes a clear and visible aim to overcome it. Long before noticing you new shape, you will begin...

#1773: How To Study For A Pop Quiz
Friday • May 17th 2024 • 9:54:14 pm • 5KB

To study, means to comprehend, that asks that you enter the field. For example, a programming pop quiz, demands that you are already a programmer. This is the opposite, of what the teacher is doing. They are simply sampling your readiness, for an upcoming...

#1772: Nordhouse Dunes: The Noble And Just Dolomedes Tenebrosus
Thursday • May 16th 2024 • 10:57:58 pm • 5KB

Look, we need to have this conversation, because you want to move slight away from sources of light. Dolomedes Tenebrosus will run away from humans, but can bite, and it is a bee or wasp type sting. You are more likley to be bitten, by a wasp or a bee than...