Don’t Stay Overweight; Use It To Become A Bodybuilder
Don’t Stay Overweight; Use It To Become A Bodybuilder

Sunday • April 21st 2024 • 12:36:55 am

Don’t Stay Overweight; Use It To Become A Bodybuilder

Sunday • April 21st 2024 • 12:36:55 am

No, you did not pick bodybuilding, but, yes, bodybuilding did pick you.

I am deeply sorry, and in fact hurting, but I must continue to resist being nice in context of obesity.

The longer you wait, the worse it gets.

What kind of a person would I be, had I minced words about letting people stay hurt.

The impact of obesity is as dark as it gets, it is a disorder, and a disease, and and early end.

But, listen, there is something good here, something kind of amazing.

When you get the common cold, and take days off and sleep late.

Your body benefits in many ways, from that sleep, and rest, and extra vitamins.

You don’t see it, because of your sniffles.

But take two weeks off to heal completely, and you will not just return cured, but restored, rejuvenated.

Obesity is a much slower disease, it works across decades not weeks.

But, just like the rejuvenation, from resting due to a common cold.

There is a strange positive, hiding here.

Obesity arises from your body storing food, really good food, that really helps with bodybuilding.

Let me make that clear, if you are fat you are almost a bodybuilder.

You probably think bodybuilding is shallow and stupid, I mean lifting things is not exactly a challenge.

But, even though it is silly, it is the cure to obesity, and aging.

Bodybuilding is an endurance sport, and thus a powerful life extension technique.

So if you choose to end obesity now, you will become muscular, and slow aging.

Slowing aging is a wise idea, as life extension medicine and technologies will happen soon due to AI.

You probably know that protein, help your muscles grow.

But are wondering, how does stored fat help bodybuilding.

Stored fat is energy, it helps you work out for long enough to out on muscle.

It helps you recover faster, for more exercise.

Before we talk about the body, lets talk mind.

Obesity is not exactly a mental disorder, we should call it that, because it is an emergency.

Because obesity is a great danger, to organs, self esteem, lifestyle, and life.

But the truth is, we overeat to treat discomforts.

Overeating is not the cause, it is a symptom.

You are going to have to, remove the discomforts.

Life is beautiful, you deserve that beauty.

You are not allowed, to live in the darkness.

There are many ways, to deal with small problems.

Move out, or just get in your car, and drive to wherever you can find little islands.

Visit Florida Keys, just drive there sleeping in rest areas.

Or get a tent and camp, Nordhouse Dunes is nice.

And bits of camping and hiking, are a great start to building up endurance.

The big problems, require that you immediately, take to your intellectual inheritance.

Which is narrated books, written by clear thinking non-religious intellectuals.

People who face and solve problems, and do so without any woo-woo nonsense.

Start with adventure books, move towards biographies and science popularizers.

And know that narrated books, are a lot more powerful than they seem.

For one they fit camping and hiking, they multiply adventure.

And two, you don’t just get a story out of it, you inherit parts of culture of all the great beings.

You construct your own, culture of greatness.

Philosophy is just, love of wisdom.

Now, let me show you, how to turn your fat into muscle.

Being fat, almost certainly means, having no physical endurance.

Mine was extremely low, and then dropped to zero, and blood clots.

Enhancing endurance is easy, because it being a slow process, you can go slow.

First, you start walking everywhere, then use a program like Couch to 5K.

To shuffle, shuffling is like mini jogging, it is very challenging.

It is also the name of a dance, and you should add it to your workout as well.

Your knees are going to hurt, because you are heavy.

And think of the blisters, as adjusting the skin of your feet.

They only really happen in the beginning, and when you screw up your shoes or socks.

Wear thick socks, trim your claws, and choose zero drop shoes.

If your shoes have a heal, you will get hurt, you will get a heel bump aka pump bump.

Your first problem is going to be your job, since you are in danger, the job needs to go.

Your second problem, will be rain, because you need to walk every day.

And that means, the gym.

In a word, the gym has stable weather.

Your Couch to 5K program, will teach you how to build up endurance.

And the only difference between jogging, and body building is…

That joggers when they can jog through their route, tend to improve their speed.

And as a bodybuilder, you instead, weigh yourself down.

You work out for an hour with dumbbells, or with a weight vest, maybe ankle weights.

See skinny people can‘t do that, they will run out of energy.

But you can, because you have already stored, the needed nutrition.

A skinny person has to force feed, to keep up with the calories.

Where you can eat normally, but you must avoid carbohydrates.

And eliminate all sugar, search among sugar substitutes.

There is no such thing as sets and reps, that is just a myth everyone is copying.

Bodybuilding is the same as jogging, but you use your arms.

You only need dumbbells, and you need to start with 3 pounds.

So you are just walking back and forth, then you can dance a little.

And if you feel like it, then you can go for a run with dumbbells in your hands.

I personally recommend shuffle dancing, because you are not pounding your feet into concrete.

It is much easier on your knees, plus, all the kind people will think you are pretty cool.

And the gym bros, will leave you alone mistakenly thinking you are bonkers.

But they will not progress, sets and reps induce a workout plateau.

Only non-stop lifting and moving with dumbbells, for an hour or two, will ever work.

The couch to 5K shows you, how to eliminate rest.

You can use a clip on interval timer too, or time yourself with music.

Long song to workout, short song to rest, until you don’t need to rest anymore.

So look at your obesity now, it is not really a real mental disorder.

Is is that you are dealing with a lot, and food brings comfort.

And in all the haste, you didn’t realize it was killing you.

But now that you know, you are allowed to become the black sheep.

You are allowed to disappoint everyone, because you deserve to live a long life.

You are no longer the answer, to other peoples problems.

You are now charged, with growing all the way up…

Until you become a lover of wisdom, a philosopher and a great being.

And as a bonus, you become fit, muscular, and slow your aging to a crawl.

You also have a reason to dance, daily.

And with all those muscles, you have a reason to dress all fancy.

All the positive that you are facing, now, can only beget more and more good things.

So while obesity is a curse, every curse is also an advantage.

A reason to rise, a reason, to make your own way.

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