What Is Wrong With The World; Or, Grow Do Not Follow
What Is Wrong With The World; Or, Grow Do Not Follow

Wednesday • June 15th 2022 • 7:22:15 am

What Is Wrong With The World; Or, Grow Do Not Follow

Wednesday • June 15th 2022 • 7:22:15 am

When you feel that your thoughts don't add up to much,
or end up in circle, or become Swiss cheese it means you need more books.

After a while things begin making sense,
it is still difficult to navigate, but your thoughts don't run short.

You shouldn't be afraid of thinking yourself into a loop,
and when you do end up in the beginning, it just means you need books.

Getting at books is tough,
because to read a book you need peace within.

You won't be able to make peace outside,
but with courage you can make peace within.

Slowly, with travel and adventure,
you will begin inheriting wisdom from others.

You will discover that everything that is wrong with the world,
is lack of knowledge, wisdom and greatness.

Those three things,
are just words that describe growing up.

Growing up is what we do,
we are really good at it, because we can build more wisdom out of wisdom.

you will take a look back at your younger self.

And by subtle analogy understand,
that people are not learning.

That they are stuck in loops,
scared of thoughts unraveling and turning to string or Swiss cheese.

One of the great human traditions,
is to become a teachers.

So you help them across,
you help them to books.

Help them become strong,
so that they too may contemplate the world on their own.

The higher you will rise in your education,
the more wrongs you will see.

The pretenders will be the most frightening,
they sound exactly like the wise.

But there is an intent to mislead in all they do,
at the very least they want people to follow behind them.

It is a quirk in the human psychology,
and makes very poor and ill people feel better.

It is not that different,
from people holding up the color of their skin as superior.

The pretenders do not have complete thoughts,
their thoughts are unraveled, cut up, inauthentic, tragic.

Their claim to leadership is a fantasy,
and they prey on people with un-integrated thoughts making them follow.

Rather than helping them to books,
and making each of them a leader and a grow up.

The pretenders feed them temporary things,
that give the followers impression of some progress.

A person will have a tendency to follow,
because it is easier than creating their own path.

The act of finding the strength or courage to to keep whole long enough
to begin inheriting from countless books, is more difficult than fantasizing.

It is easier to walk into a place of fantasy,
or instantly join some group by waiving their flag.

As you rise, you will discover,
just how many fantasy based groups and institutions there are.

Humanity didn't just stop at ice giants, magic,
or cults or religions.

Entire nations become corrupted,
with un-integrated and disconnected thinking.

Schools are not working,
they operate on grades and graduations.

Irrelevant and incomprehensible, unstable cirricula,
that push students away from learning and comprehension.

And instead force them towards pretending and memorization,
under the threat of ridicule, being held back, poverty and hunger.

It is one of the great tragedies of our age,
that people agree to pretend to learn in exchange for a diploma.

It gets even worse,
we are all born into a world that invented the concept of money.

And then promptly misused it,
to choke it self with poverty.

Don't lose yourself in overwork,
money is a problem that needs repair.

And poverty is not just about homelessness, or hunger,
it actually prevents people from learning and growing.

It is fine for banks to fight for a dollar,
it is fine for Wall St. to trade.

But a human being,
must never become victim of poverty.

Inflation will only occur if the world,
continues its semi random walk.

The correct application of money,
starts with the individual and and their universal income card.

The flow must come from an individual with a universal income card,
and only then move towards a business.

It does not start with with hospitals and businesses,
ignoring human suffering, misfortune and hunger.

Beyond that, it is easy for an ineffective leader to stabilize an uneducated nation,
when everyone is put in their place with poverty.

Money has been used as an all-purpose hot glue,
to give an impression of a functioning and coherent government or world.

A day or two reviewing politics will reveal,
that influential people are only reacting and with partial knowledge, and none have any solid grasp on reality.

The same confusion and feeling of thinking ourselves into circles,
has permeated our entire world.

But here when nations think themselves in a circle in their collective ineffective-education,
they often find themselves repeating their worst mistakes.

The same that we feel before we begin inheriting from wise books,
has cast the world into confusion and sometimes darkness.

Leaders who in their blindness drive the world,
into poverty, disagreement, confusion, and crime.

And then bring repair with weapons manufacturing,
mass incarceration and war.

May seem like they are making repairs pr progress,
but their minds have long unraveled.

It is is not possible,
to prevent the world from repeating mistakes today.

No one person,
can lead the world.

There are too many pretenders,
and it is all to easy for them to lie to their uneducated followers.

The only hope there is, is with your generation,
and the young generations that follow.

By taking to real adventure and real education, and powerful challenges,
and thus becoming knowledgeable and wise.

Entire generations of young people can,
can bring light, reason, wisdom, to all that is poisoned by ineffective education and broken thinking today.

The future of the world never rested,
with the Poets, Philosophers, Politicians, or Profiteering Gluttons.

As by the time they reached their maturity,
they've become all too warped and caught up in an incomplete system of the world.

It has always been with those, who have not yet been indoctrinated into the broken ways of the world,
turning their hopes and dreams to reality.

If you and your generation, can gather the strengths and courage for long enough,
to resist the pressures of the broken world.

And independently learn from countless powerful books, that grant you a clear and just views of the future.
A picture of a world free from fake education, poverty, and constant thereat of nuclear or any other war.

Then you can have the world,
that is worthy of you.